Expert Selection: Data, Open Source And Networking.

Manuel Acevedo - Data, Open Source And Networking
Manuel Acevedo - Data, Open Source And Networking

Manuel Acevedo

Manuel Acevedo is an independent consultant from Argentina specializing in information-communication technologies for development (ICT4D), Information Society, digital inclusion and development networks. His hope is to contribute to a truly networked developmental scene worldwide (a Development 2.0, 3.0, x.0…?), and to help turn the management of development networks more a science than an art (where it presently stands, in my opinion). He has selected videos that made an impression on himself, of a diverse nature.

Hans Rosling changed the way I thought about data, its presentation and how it can make a difference (i.e., for policy making). Rosling makes data analysis a fun, exciting topic — that has a lot of merit!

This is part of a playlist from the ”10 Tactics for Turning Information into Action”, a must see for activist for social and human rights everywhere. It was produced by the Tactical Tech collective, and the 10 Tactics web site complements the videos with useful resources.

Juliana Rotich, one of the founders of Ushahidi, talks about the benefits of crowd mapping and the process that makes Ushahidi’s products possible, based on an open source community. Also refers to some limits on open innovation. Ushahidi has been used in a variety of conflics environments (and for other purposes), such as post-elections in Kenya or the Haiti earthquake.

An interesting session about “Liability and Reliability Of Crowdsourced and Volunteered Information for Disaster Management” at the Woodrow Wilson Centre in Washington D.C. Thinking a bit more about limitations of technology (without downplaying its advantages).

A fascinating talk by Yochai Benkler, one of the great intellectuals (perhaps with Manuel Castells) on the topic of networked societies. He underpins some of the key concepts that he explored in his famous book “The Wealth of Networks”. It’s good to be aware about the theories behind all the excitement about Openness, Innovations, Crowd-sourcing, etc. Even if it’s to reflect on what they are not so good at achieving (at least in non-ideal circumstances).