5 tips to make the best out of your coworking experience


Coworking is already mainstream, and that is great. There are a lot of reasons this is happening, and a big one is an increase of freelancers, entrepreneurs and small companies. Because small businesses don’t require a big office, it’s easier and cheaper to go to a coworking space. Besides that, the trend is growing. By 2035 more than half of the population will be freelancing.

Coworking steps in as the place where those freelancers connect to each other, and to other companies. After all, a big part of sales for a freelancer is their network. And networking gets a bit hard from your sofa. No, Netflix doesn’t count as networking. Sorry. Here are some tips on how to make the best out of your time in a coworking space.

1. Be open

Coworking is not the same as typical office. Every day new people come in, every new person can bring with them a lot of experience and knowledge. Even if today you think you might not need that particular skill, you never know. Is always good to have in your network a broad range of knowledge and expertise. On the other point of view, that person might be a lead for you to other jobs.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

One of the big benefits of working together with other people is that you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to explore the potential around you, especially when you are in need of it. If you have a big challenge on a new job or if you are learning a new skill, ask around. You might end up finding way more than you were looking initially. At Seats2meet locations you can ask questions online, as well as seeing what needs are around you. 

3. Take your time

When working there is a time to socialize and also a time to focus. Don’t feel guilty for putting your headphones and go into focus mode for a while, as long as this is not all you do. Take your time to do and to chill! The organization is key.

4. Know your tasks

Talking about organization, start your day knowing exactly what you want to accomplish at the end of the day. When working in a place with tons of triggers and lots going on, is good to have a couple goals in mind for that day. Don’t go and put 50 tasks for a day, be real and keep it to a maximum of 5 tasks, as a place to the unexpected is always important!

5. Leave space to the unexpected

Now you know what absolutely has to be done today, go on and have some fun! Be flexible to help other people and participate in a coffee break or to extend that conversation you started on lunch. Again, you never know where a conversation can lead you, that is Serendipity. In a study, the Erasmus University from Rotterdam did in 2015, they discovered that by working a serendipitous place 1 in 6 people ended up getting a new paid assignment, job or even starting a new company together.

Bonus tip

Based on the concept of Seats2meet and in the study realized by the Erasmus University, the Serendipity Machine app was created. There you can see who is around you in a coworking space, what they do and what is their need for today, increasing the possibility of relevant encounters. You can download the Serendipity Machine app and make the best out of your work in a coworking space.